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What is the problem you are trying to solve, and why does it matter?

Silo Team is tackling the problem of the high turnover rate among developers, which is one of the highest in the world and costs companies billions of dollars annually. With the recent economic downturn, it has never been a better time to start retaining top talent, and developers are arguably businesses' most important and costly assets.

With over +350 tech teams interviewed around the world, we discovered that there are several reasons for why the turnover rate is among the highest, everything from company culture to understanding tech stack and tools. Basically there are significant challenges throughout the entire lifecycle of a developer.
Larger organisations with more developers and new hires face even greater challenges. This has led to engineering leaders seeking a new way to speed up the process and increase dev-productivity/output.

How will Silo Team solve this problem?

We are building the go-to tool for retaining developers, and it starts by attacking the most urgent pain points first.

a) Getting started: A streamlined technical onboarding that really shortens the time to productivity. 💻

b) Understand: An AI-powered knowledge hub that revolutionises technical knowledge sharing. 🧠

c) Depart: And a secure and fast offboarding. 🔒

The essence of Silo Team lies in its platform and AI engine that integrates with an organisation's entire suite of developer apps, such as Jira or GitHub. Automatically keeping knowledge up-to-date. When developers need information, they simply ask the Silo Team assistant in plain language, where do I find  X or Y or who is responsible for Z.
Silo Team also provides insights and recommendations, identifying what worked, what didn't work, and suggesting improvements for the future.

How are you solving the retention part?

First of all, there is a strong correlation between onboarding and retention. If the onboarding process goes well the likelihood of them staying increases by a lot. The retention part of our product focuses on identifying patterns or trends that have a negative effect. And by analysing these trends on a 'role level', we can suggest improvements to stakeholders on factors that directly contribute to developer retention before it's too late.

For example, let’s say that there is a stakeholder that takes a very long time before responding during a technical onboarding or that there is a developer that spends a lot of time within one particular tool. These are actually situations that not only block the rest of the tech team but also have a negative impact on retention in the sense that we have a new member that’s being hindered from getting code ready.

We can detect these situations before they even happen and support both the new developer and the already super busy stakeholders’ to answer questions like “where do I find this information” or “who is responsible for this”.
Engineering Managers

71% of responsible onboarding stakeholders conduct the majority of the onboarding manually. 😱

65% thinks that their organizations do a bad job onboarding new developers because of poor onboarding tools and a lack of automation.
Engineering Managers are responsible for getting developers launch ready 🚀

80% of new devs find technical onboarding unnecessarily hard and time-consuming.

30 hours of productivity are lost because of bad onboarding in the first month alone.

92% of the tools a developer uses everyday (GitHub, Lucidchart(s), Notion, Confluence, etc) do not integrate with the top 5 most popular onboarding tools.
+173 sessions with c-level stakeholders, onboarding teams, engineering managers and tech leads. +100 sessions with Junior (25%), Mid-Level (45%), and Senior Developers (30%). 🌎: 70% Europe - 30% United States.
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We are on a mission to bring teams closer together
of employees think their employer does a great job of onboarding new employees
of employees say they’d go “above and beyond” if they were given a good induction and onboarding
of companies do not have a formal onboarding process
increase in productivity if a well-structured onboarding program is in place
Companies with great onboarding programs see 2.5% more revenue growth and 1.9% of the profit margin as against companies with poor onboarding processes. The former also leads to higher productivity levels and faster knowledge acquisition rates.
Integrations for your workflow